For soloists
Fabula Ib [alto flute] (2001)
I scarcely breathed [mezzo and electronics] (2006)
Un piano para Luciano (2008)
«basement 54» percussion (2019-2020) – commissioned by Louisa Marxen
Icaro [amplified bassoon and electronics]2016/in progress
For ensemble without electronics
In questo modo: (II) [windquintet] -1998/99-
Casual symmetry? [female voice, flute, viola and percussion] -1999-
Blanco [fl., ob., cl., 2 perc., vln., vlc., cb.] -1999/2000-
Figuras [percussion quartet] -2000/01-
Un camino es un camino [flute, clarinet and piano] -2002/03- commissioned by Ensamble3
Esther se llamaba [vln., vlc.] -2003-
En agua nueva [vln., vla., vlc., arp., perc.] -2003/04
small oils - a mini etude on Feldman/Guston [cl., vlc.] -2011-
serpens cauda [soprano, trombone, percussion, piano and cello] -2013- commissioned by eunoia quintet
BEP (miniature) for ensemble -2015- commissioned by ensemble proton bern for its 5th anniversary
macchina [for small ensemble] -2015/16– commissioned by Ensemble Aventure. Supported by UBS Culture Foundation
unspoken (scene V) [for vocal ensemble and percussion] –2017– commissioned by Basler Madrigalisten and Trio Klick
For ensemble with electronics
«Canto lejano» [fl., ob., cl., hrn., trp., tbn., perc., pno., vln., vla., vlc., cb.] -2004/05-
«Air» [voz, guit. y cb. | Stimme, Git. und Kb. | voice, guit. and db.] -2007/08-
«Keramik» [sax., pno., perc., and tape] -2009-
«Faux» [2 voices, fl., cl., hrn., trp., tbn., perc., acc.] -2010/11-
«ein Kinderlied» [mixed ensemble, and tape] commissioned by Ensemble Phoenix Basel -2011/12-
«entrelineas» [commissioned by ensemble proton bern and financially supported by Fachausschuss Musik BS/BL] -2012
«Adrift» for ensemble, tape and photographie (2015) – commissioned by Musikfestival Bern
«murmullos» [for string quartet & electronic sounds] -2015- commissioned by Teatro Colón Bogotá and written for Quatuor Voce
«sandkorn» for recorders, singer and electronics (2017/2018) – commissioned by UMS'n JIP
«wood table stainless steel» for alto saxophone (also baritone sax.), percussion, prepared piano, violoncello and electronics (2018) – commissioned by Vertixe Sonora
«s n er a de» for flute, clarinet, percussion, prepared piano, accordion, harp and electronics (2018-2020) – commissioned by neuverBand
For orchestra
Terrain [orchestra and electronics] -2008/13- prize given by the Christoph Delz Foundation
Pareidolie [for small orchestra] -2015/16- commissioned by Geneva Camerata & Festival Archipel. Supported by Pro Helvetia. Further support by Fondation Christiane & Jean Henneberger-Mercier
Poe sketches [8 ch.] -2005/06-
Weder ... noch [8 ch. or ambisonics 3rd order] -2007-