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May 16, 2025, 8pm, Druckereihalle Basel

June 13, 2025, 8pm, Kunstraum Walcheturm Zürich

June 26, 2025, 8pm, PROGR Bern


New piece (2025) for tenor sax, synthesizer and electronics.


more infos @

musica nova Reutlingen

Dini Mueter Trio​

November 7, 2025, 8pm, Wandel-Hallen: Kunstverein Reutlingen


Fool me into power (2023) for clarinet, alto sax and synthesizer.


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MusikFabrik & Oboes migrantes

November 17, 2025, 8pm, Studio des Ensemble Musikfabrik, Cologne


mote of dust (2020) for 2 oboe players and electronics.


more infos @




Desprazamentos da codia

Vertixe Sonora​


October 27, 2024, Vigo


«crust shifting» (2024) for ensemble, world premiere


more infos @


Collegium Novum Zürich


October 12, 2024, 7:30pm, Theater STOK Zürich


«un camino es un camino» (2002) for flute, clarinet (also bass clarinet) and piano.

«small oils» (2011) for clarinet and cello.


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Konzert Master Performance zeitgenössische Musik 

zone expérimentale basel

Marcus Weiss (supervision)


April 22, 2024, 7:30pm, Don Bosco Basel


«wood table  stainless steel» (2018) for alto saxophone (also baritone), percussion, prepared piano, cello and electronics.

Also works by S. Steen-Andersen, R. Saunders, A. Sysoev and T. Kessler.

subgeneres: new wave

Dini Mueter Trio


April 2024, Albecete


«fool me into power» (2023) for flute, alto saxophone and semi-modular synthesizers.

Other pieces by Salvatore Sciarrino and Matthias S. Krüger 

subgeneres: new wave

Dini Mueter Trio


November / December 2023 Basel, Biel, Fribourg, Madrid


«fool me into power» (2023) for flute, alto saxophone and semi-modular synthesizers

World premiere






June 15 2023, 7:00pm, Festsaal Kunsthaus Zürich


«versunken — música para una isla incierta» (2022/23) for saxophone, mezzo-soprano and percussion

World premiere

im Geschwindigkeitsrausch

Camerata variabile


June 1 2023, 7:30pm, Rhyality Immersive Art Hall Neuhausen

June 2 2023, 7:30pm, Don Bosco Basel

June 3 2023, 7:30pm, Konservatorium Zürich

June 4 2023, 2:00pm, Neubad Luzern


«phantasmata» (2022/23) for small ensemble and live electronics

World premiere


l'ivresse de la vitesse

10 Jahre neuverBand!

Ensemble neuverBand, Mike Svoboda


05/17/23, 8pm, Gare du Nord

05/22/23, 8pm, PROGR, Bern


«sne r a de» (2019-20) for ensemble and electronics




Ensemble Phoenix Basel


04/01/23, 8pm, Gare du Nord

04/02/23, 8pm, Gare du Nord


«kerekere» (2022-23) for bass flute, bass clarinet, percussion, prepared piano and double bass

World premiere




Duo Riveiro/Moronta


01/22/2023, Sala Romulo Gallegos, Caracas

01/26/2023, Teatro Acto Latino, Bogotá



works for oboes and electronics by Michèle Rusconi, Mela Meierhans, Lukas Huber and Leonardo Idrobo

Konzert Polytempo

Soyuz 21


November 4 2022, 7:30pm, Walcheturm, Zurich


An event of the Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology of the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). New works by Leonardo Idrobo, Alessandro Perini, Andres Guadarrama, Philippe Kocher.


As part of the residence program "Polytempo" we were asked to write pieces for the great Soyuz 21 employing the Polytempo application developed by Philippe Kocher at the Institute for Computer Music and Sound Technology of the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK).


«law abiding citizens (cranked up)» for alto saxophone, electric guitar, keyboard and live electronics (2022)

World premiere



Duo Riveiro/Moronta


11/24/2021, Ackermannshof, Basel | 7:30pm

11/25/2021, Progr Aula, Bern | 7:30pm

11/26/2021, Neubad, Luzern | 7:30pm

11/29/2021, La Voirie, Biel/Bienne | 7:30pm

11/30/2021, Kulturhaus Helferei, Zürich | 7:30pm


New works** for oboes and electronics by Michèle Rusconi, Mela Meierhans, Lukas Huber and Leonardo Idrobo



**World Premiere // Uraufführung // Création Mondiale

La persistencia de la memoria



1/03/2021, SMC Lausanne | 20:00



Donnacha Dennehy    Glamour Sleeper* (2002)

Franck Bedrossian    I Lost a World the Other Day* (2016)

Leonardo Idrobo    s  n er  a   de** (2020) for ensemble and electronics

Fausto Romitelli    La Sabbia del Tempo (1991)


Conductor: Friederike Scheunchen (Mike Svoboda)


*Swiss Premiere // Schweizer Erstaufführung // Création Suisse

**World Premiere // Uraufführung // Création Mondiale



10/18/2019, 20h
Museum Tinguely,Basel, Switzerland

«wood table   stainless steel» for saxophones, percussion, piano, cello and electronics (2018) Swiss first performance

Ensemble Vertixe Sonora (ES)


Also works by Paul Clift (AUS/CH), Katharina Rosenberger (CH), Lula Romero (ESP) and Ramón Souto (ESP)


This concert is kindly supported by 

Allgemeiner Wohlfahrtsfonds der Bürgergemeinde Basel-Stadt

Fachausschuss Musik BS/BL


Forum Wallis

Lateinamerika heute


6/06/2019, 19h, Leuk, Switzerland

«macchina» for ensemble (2015/16)

Ensemble Aventure (Freiburg, Germany)

Commissioned by and written for Ensemble Aventure.

Supported by UBS Culture Foundation


Also Works by Javier Alvarez, Natalia Salomonoff, Graciela Paraskevaídis,, José Manuel Serrano, Mariano Etkin and Jorge Horst.

L'art pour l'Aar

50 Jahre 1968


3/01/2019, Bern, Switzerland

«macchina» for ensemble (2015/16)

Ensemble Aventure (Freiburg, Germany)

Commissioned by and written for Ensemble Aventure.

Supported by UBS Culture Foundation


Also works by Ulrike Mayer-Spohn, Max E. Keller, Matthias S. Krüger, Martin Jaggi and Hans E. Frischknecht.

Latin America Project

2/28/2019, 20:00h, ONO Bern, Switzerland

3/01/2019, 20:00h, Unternehmen Mitte Basel, Switzerland

3/03/2019, 19:00h, Zeughaus Kultur Brig-Gliss, Switzerland

3/04/2019, 20:00h, Kunstraum Walcheturm Zurich, Switzerland


«Sandkorn» for recorder, counter-tenor and electronics (2017-18)




02/21/2019, 8pm, Reithalle, Kaserne Basel

02/22/2019, 8pm

02/23/2019, 8pm

02/24/2019, 5pm

«unspoken (scene V)» for percussion trio and vocal ensemble (2017) WP

Trio Klick (CH)

Basler Madrigalisten (CH)


Also nine more works by Olivier Cuendet, Fritz Hauser,Christian Henking, Vera Kappeler, Lucas Niggli, Katharina Rosenberger, Denis Schuler, and Mike Svoboda.

50 Jahre 1968

10/26/2018, Freiburg i.B., Germany

10/27/2018, Winterthur, Switzerland (Concert Series Musica Aperta)

«macchina» for ensemble (2015/16) Swiss Premiere

Ensemble Aventure (Freiburg, Germany)

Commissioned by and written for Ensemble Aventure.

Supported by UBS Culture Foundation


Also works by Ulrike Mayer-Spohn, Max E. Keller, Matthias S. Krüger, Martin Jaggi and Hans E. Frischknecht.

Biennale di Musica 2018

10/04/2018, Venice, Italy

«defiendo el viento» for small ensemble (2018) WP

Ensemble Itinéraire (FR)


also works by Marco Suárez-Cifuentes, Luis Rizo-Salom, Daniel Zea, Juan Camilo Hernandez and Daniel Alvarado.

Lucerne Festival 2018

08/18/2018, 9pm, KKL Luzern, Lucerne Hall

«unspoken (scene V)» for percussion trio and vocal ensemble (2017) WP

Trio Klick (CH)

Basler Madrigalisten (CH)


Also nine more world premieres of works by Olivier Cuendet, Fritz Hauser,Christian Henking, Vera Kappeler, Lucas Niggli, Katharina Rosenberger, Denis Schuler, Mike Svoboda, and Helena Winkelman. 

Correspondencias Sonoras 2018

19/06/2018, CGAC in Santiago de Compostela, Spain

«wood table   stainless steel» for saxophones, percussion, piano, cello and electronics (2018) WP

Ensemble Vertixe Sonora (ES)


commissioned and written for Ensemble Vertixe Sonora

Latin America Project UMS'n JIP

03/14/2018, 20:00h, Unternehmen Mitte Basel, Switzerland

03/15/2018, 20:00h, Kunstraum Walcheturm Zurich, Switzerland

03/18/2018, 20:00h, Zeughaus Kultur Brig-Gliss, Switzerland

03/19/2018, 20:00h, ONO Bern, Switzerland

«Sandkorn» for recorder, counter-tenor and electronics (2017-18) WP




Also works by Oña, Delgado, Galperin, Cury, Oliver a.o.

Le Balcon - musique de chambre colombienne

10/6/2017, 8pm, Athénée Théâtre Louis-Jouvet

Grand Salle

EP of «murmullos» for string quartet and electronic sounds (2015)

Le Balcon (France)

El Juego y el Fin – Ensemble Itinéraire

10/4/2017, 8pm, La Marbrerie, Montreuil

«un camino es un camino» for flute, clarinet and piano (2002)

L'Itinéraire (France)


Reihe Neue Musik Mannheim

4/22/2016 Reihe Neue Musik Mannheim, Germany

4/29/2016 Reihe Ensemble Aventure, Freiburg, Germany

«macchina» for ensemble (2015/16)

Ensemble Aventure (Freiburg, Germany)

Commissioned by and written for Ensemble Aventure.

Supported by UBS Culture Foundation

Hommage à Ligeti

3/19/2016 Festival Archipel, Alhambra, Genève «Pareidolie» for chamber orchestra (2015/16) Geneva Camerata (Ludovic Morlot, cond.) Commissioned by Festival Archipel / supported by Pro Helvetia Swiss Culture Foundation. Written for Geneva Camerata. Further support by Fondation Christiane & Jean Hennerberger-Mercier.


12/7/2015 Dampfzentrale, Bern, 7.30pm

«BEP» for ensemble (2015)

Ensemble Proton Bern

Written for Ensemble Proton Bern for its 5th anniversary

Grandes cuartetos del mundo en el Colón

11/24/2015, 7pm, Teatro Colón, Bogotá

WP of «murmullos» for string quartet (2015)

Quatuor Voce (France)

Commissioned by Teatro Colón Bogotá

Musikfestival Bern

9/9/2015, 8pm, Dampfzentrale Bern

WP of «adrift» for ensemble (2015)

Ensemble Proton Bern, Matthias Kuhn (cond.)

Commissioned by Musikfestival Bern

Written for Ensemble Proton Bern

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